AIChE, Saudi Arabian Section Technical Dinner Meeting | AIChE

AIChE, Saudi Arabian Section Technical Dinner Meeting

Monday, February 5, 2018,
6:00pm to 8:00pm
In-Person / Local
Saudi Arabia

Mr. Ahmad O. Al-Khowaiter

Chief Technology Officer, Saudi Aramco

Mr. Al Khowaiter joined Saudi Aramco in 1983, where he held various technical roles in oil and gas production organizations, ranging from design, project management, commissioning, and operations; as well as a number of supervisory, managerial, and general management positions.

He held the position of Saudi Aramco Chief Engineer from 2011 to 2014, and Executive Director of Power Systems in 2014 before assuming his present role. 

Mr. Al Khowaiter holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), an M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and an MBA degree as a Sloan Fellow from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.